Monday, February 1, 2010


From Google reader:
" From your 74 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 1,447 items, starred 7 items, shared 0 items, and emailed 0 items."

There are more of items that I just look at the abstract and mark them as READ. They donot count into the 1447 items.

I think I read too much, and need to spend more time on writing/thinking about my own trade. 2 weeks ago, I started to write on what I can do better, that triggers the list of my goals. Now I have the following 2:

1: write a plan and follow the plan.
2: Take profit at 1R and let the rest run.

And trader32 added the 3rd one for me:

3: limit your lost at -70 level so easier to recover.

As for today's trading, I was able to follow the plan, which short at 30 to 35 level, and take some profit at 1R.

1 of my fish die and there are only 3 left...

I had 9 last year.

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